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Showing posts with the label INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE


By Dr. Sultan Muhammad Khan Keywords ;  Define Goals, Define Aims, Define Objectives, Define Learning outcomes, Importance of Learning Outcomes, Identifying Behavioral learning outcomes, Importance of instructional objectives, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The cognitive Domain, The affective Domain, The Psycho-motor Domain, Goals, Aims and Objectives/Learning outcomes Goals are broad statements that give a general direction to classroom instruction. As they are broad they have the advantage of relating many aspects of society and education. Due to their broad nature, they are achieved after a long time due to; some of the examples of goals can be to make better citizens, to advance humanity. To produce Islamic society. In education system, goals are considered to be the ends that society sets for it. Aims are narrow as compared to goals; they are the targets to achieve the goals, aims are broader than objectives. They are set by the experts, curriculum planner