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Idealism By_________ History and nature: Idealism is the oldest and most talked about philosophy of education. Its popularity has never decreased right form its origination. This philosophy in the formal form was originated by Plato, in 427-346 B.C.  This philosophy in the beginning was known as ideaism where the focus was on the ideas. Latter it started to be known as idealism but emphasis still is on the nature of ideas rather than on their ideal status. Plato was supported latter by Ddescarte, Hegal, Spinoza and Karl Marx. According to these philosophers the basic reality of life is based on ideas, minds and thoughts. Ideas formulate the fundamental bases of the ladder of the priorities of life. Matter Life Mind Idea         Mind, life and matter are the next important steps of this ladder. Everything begins when the ideas are conceived. The central principle of idealism is that of organic wholeness where a kind of