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Showing posts with the label PRAGMATISIM
PRAGMATISIM  By_________________ According to pragmatics all ideas will be accepted as true as long as they are useful and improving human life. It is critical of older system of philosophy. In part philosophy has made a mistake of looking for ultimate realities. Human life and human experiences are more important, according to pragmatists. With pragmatism philosophy shifted from metaphysical problems to the problems of social life. It is an acceptance of the experiences and facts of everyday life as fundamental. Reality is just what it is experienced as being ; it is flues or change.  It is also called experimentalism and instructionalism, or, it believes in the sue of scientific inquiry and experimentation. All ideas will be used as instruments for human life. Supporters of this philosophy are Charles Peiral, Willam Jmaes and John Dewey. Charles Peirce sometimes called the founder of pragmatism because in his article” how to make our ideas clear.” John Dewey is the chief supporte